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The Gospel tour 2023

In March of 2023, I felt a strong sense in my spirit to do a cross-Canada road trip to preach the gospel. I felt like the Lord had told me I would go across the country and speak in churches, so I started to call churches to share what God was laying on my heart. 


After five months of planning, 250 churches contacted, 249 churches saying, "No", I was on a 19-hour drive across the country to Moncton, New Brunswick with a message of revival burning in my heart. 


God has a sense of humor and knows us very well. Had he told me to move to Moncton, New Brunswick, I would have laughed and thought the devil was messing with me but 48 hours after I arrived, it was very clear why that was my one, "Yes."


God had placed me in a community with young people who were on fire for Jesus, an abundance of nightly opportunities to learn and celebrate the Lord, incredible mentorship, a roommate who I got to experience miracles and the joy of the Lord with, and a powerful Holy Spirit-filled church.


I was blessed with opportunities to serve and evangelize, a place to heal, make mistakes and grow, brothers and sisters who will have a special place in my heart forever, moments of worship that changed me, the challenging and stretching of my faith to let go of fear of man and commit my life to the Great Commission and so much more. I also had the absolute pleasure of preaching at multiple churches throughout the East Coast, thus fulfilling the prophecy which the Lord had given me back in March. 


I'm incredible grateful for the fruit that was produced in this season. A very special thank you to everybody who supported the Gospel Tour! I look forward to reaching more areas of Canada and the States in the future.


"I love the Lord, for he heard my voice;
he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me,
I will call on him as long as I live."


Psalm 116:1-2

Thanks for submitting!

©2022 by God Changed Her

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